NGMAST 2015 Participants Attendance Form

Please complete this form to help us with the final preparation of the programme for NGMAST2015

One reply per paper is expected. It is usually the person who will present the paper.

If no one confirms attendence, the paper will be dropped from the programme.

Paper Number
Your e-mail address
Will you attend the Conference? Yes No
If Yes then please complete the rest of the form.
If No then just click "Submit" Button on the bottom of page
Arrival/Departure Date
Are you attending:  
Lunch on 9th Sept? Yes No
Lunch on 10th Sept? Yes No
Gala Dinner on 10th Sept? Yes No
Lunch on 11th Sept? Yes No
Name of the presenter (if different from above)
Biography of Presenter(Max. 1000 Character ~200 words)