
9th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies

Programme Overview

 Wednesday 9th September



08:30 – 09:00

Registration and Welcome in the Old Library Hall

09:00 – 09:05

Opening Session

09:05 – 10:00

Keynote I  - Professor Mischa Dohler (KCL)
The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroid

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break in the Old Library Hall

Parallel Sessions


Track A

Track B

10:30 – 12:10

Session A1

Session B1

12:15 – 13:30

Lunch Break in the Cafeteria

13:30 – 15:10

Session A2

Session B2

15:10 – 15:30

Coffee Break in the Old Library Hall

15:30 – 17:10

Session A3

Session B3


Free evening in Cambridge











Thursday 10th September



09:00 – 10:00

Keynote II:  Professor Steven Furnell (Plymouth Univ.)
Mobile devices, immobile security?

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break in the Old Library Hall

Parallel Sessions


Track A

Track B


10:30 – 12:10

Session A4

Session B4

12:15 – 13:30

Lunch Break at the Cafeteria

13:30 – 15:10

Session A5

Session B5

Session C1: ITASC'15

15:10 – 15:30

Coffee Break in the Old Library Hall

15:30 – 17:10

Session A6

Session B6

19:15 -

Gala Dinner at The Cambridge Hotel










7Friday 11th September



09:00 – 10:00

Keynote III  -  Helmut Kaufmann (Airbus)
From need2know to need2share

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break in the Old Library Hall

10:30 – 12:10

Session A7

Session B7

12:15 – 12:30

Closing Session

12:30 -

Lunch and Good bye







Keynote 1
The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroid
Professor Mischa Dohler
Head, Centre for Telecom Research
Chair Professor, King's College London, UK

 Keynote 2
Mobile devices, immobile security?
Professor Steven Furnell
Head of the Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research
Plymouth University 
United Kingdom

Keynote 3
From need2know to need2share
Helmut Kaufmann
CISSP Head of Cyber Security Research Lab GE 
Airbus Group Innovations 
Munich, Germany


The Technical Programme

Session A1: The Internet of Things (IoT) 

Internet of Things: A Definition & Taxonomy
Bruno Dorsemaine, Jean-Philippe Gaulier, Jean-Philippe Wary, Nizar Kheir, and Pascal Urien

Connect and Control Things: Integrating Lightweight IoT Framework into a Mobile Application
Soumya Kanti Datta and Christian Bonnet

Urban Scale Context Dissemination in the Internet of Things: Challenge Accepted
Alistair Morris, Constantinos Patsakis, Mauro Dragone, Atif Manzoor, Vinny Cahill, and Mélanie Bouroche

Q-learning Based Random Access with Collision free RACH Interactions for Cellular M2M
Lawal Mohammed Bello, Paul Mitchell, David Grace, and Tautvydas Mickus


Session A2:  Mobile Web Applications

Refining Mobile Web Design for Reducing Energy Consumption of MobileTerminals
Takuya Ihara, Suguru Doki, Tomohiko Ogishi, Suhua Tang, and Sadao Obana

Spheres: A Web Services Framework for Smartphone Sensing as a Service
Mark Allen Gray

Web Service Query Selection for a Professional Social Network Members
Swapnil S. Ninawe and Pallapa Venkataram

A Secure Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Telecare Medicine Information System
XuanangLi, Zhiming Zheng, and Xiao Zhang


Session A3: Cloud  Applications and Security

BBCast: Cloud-Based Interactive Public Bulletin Board
Jan Franz Palngipang, Miguel Luis Ting, and Rowel Atienza

Development of Management System for Generated Power Using Cloud Services: Application to Aero-bike Equipped with Dynamo
Tatsuki Ebihara, Shotaro Murata, and Hiroshi Tanaka

Simulation-Based Study of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Prevention in the Cloud
Wael Alosaimi, Mazin Alshamrani, and Khalid Al-Begain

QoE Based P2P Scalable Video Streaming Over Mobile Adhoc Networks
Muhammad Salman Raheel, Raad Raad, and Christian Ritz

Session A4:  Localisation

Emergency Navigation in Confined Spaces Using Dynamic Grouping
Huibo Bi, Olumide J Akinwande, and Erol Gelenbe

Improving Wi-Fi Based Localization Using External Constraints
Gloria Ciavarrini, Francesco Marcelloni, and Alessio Vecchio

Scaled Unscented Kalman Filter for RSSI-Based Indoor Positioning and Tracking
Laith Khalil and Peter Jung

Geographical Route Selection Based On User Public Transportation and Service Preferences
Wesam Almobaideen, Maha Saadeh, Noor Al-Anbaki, Rawan Zaghloul, and Aryaf Aladwan


Session A5: Security 1 : Authentication and Encryption 

Dynamic Location Information in Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes
Iwailo Denisow, Sebastian Zickau, Felix Beierle, and Axel Küpper

The Affect of Two Cryptographic Constructs on QoS and QoE for Unmanned Control Vehicles
R. D. Sparrow, A. A. Adekunle, R. J. Berry, and R. J. Farnish

Event-driven Implicit Authentication for Mobile Access Control Feng Yao, Suleiman Y. Yerima, BooJoong Kang, and Sakir Sezer

A Lightweight Authentication Scheme for E-health Applications in the Context of Internet of Things
Hamza Khemissa and Djamel Tandjaoui


Session A6: Applications and Frameworks

Streaming at the Edge: Local Service Concepts Utilizing Mobile Edge Computing
Olli Mäkinen

Device-Controlled Traffic Steering in Mobile Networks
Menglan Jiang

A Context-sensitive Privacy-aware Framework for Proactive Location-based Services
BersantDeva, Sandro Rodriguez Garzon, and Sarah Schünemann


Session A7: Security 2 - DOS and Intrusion  (4)

Analysis of DoS Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks for Emergency Evacuation
Philip Asuquo, Haitham Cruickshank, Zhili Sun, and Ganesh Chandrasekaran

Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Sensor Networks
Karen Medhat, Rabie A. Ramadan, and Ihab Talkhan

Denial of Service Attacks Mitigation in the Cloud
Wael Alosaimi, Michal Zak, and Khalid Al-Begain

Security for Future Software Defined Mobile Networks
Madhusanka Liyanage, Ijaz Ahmed, Mika Ylianttila, Jesus Llorente Santos, Raimo Kantola, Oscar Lopez Perez, Mikel Uriarte Itzazelaia, Edgardo Montes de Oca, Asier Valtierra, and Carlos Jimenez


Session B1: Wireless Technologies

Efficient Frame Aggregation with Frame Size Adaptation for Next Generation MU-MIMO WLANs
Yoshihide Nomura, Kazuo Mori, and Hideo Kobayashi

LSEA: Light Weight Sector Eligibility Algorithm for k-Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
Manel Chenait, Bahia Zebbane, Lyes Boufennara, Lotfi Haouaya, Chafika Benzaid, and Nadjib Badache

Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff for Cognitive Radio in TV White Spaces
MirMuhammad Lodro, Steve Greedy, Chris Smartt, DWP Thomas, and Ana Vukovic

Improving Data Extraction Efficiency of Cache Nodes in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Big Data Analysis
Ankur Omar


Session B2: Network Performance

Evaluating SIP Signaling Performance for VoIP over LTE Based Mission-Critical Communication Systems
Ashraf Ali, Mazin Alshamrani, Alhad Kuwadekar, and Khalid Al-Begain

Performance Evaluation of the Network Sustainability in Wireless Multi-hop Infrastructures with Biased User Mobility
Rui Teng, Huan-Bang Li, and Ryu Miura

Performance Evaluation of Massive MIMO in Correlated Rician and Correlated Nakagami-m Fading
Hayder AL-Salihi and Fatin Said

Probabilistic Offload Scheme in Integrated Cellular WiFi Systems
Insook Kim and Dongwoo Kim


Session B3: Networking Load and Power 

Load Adaptive Caching Points for a Content Distribution Network
Samaneh Igder, Hamdi Idjmayyel, Bilal R. Qazi, Samya Bhattacharya, and Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani

Energy-Efficient Traffic Scheduling in IP over WDM Networks
Zaid H. Nasralla, Taisir E. H. El-Gorashi, Mohamed O. I. Musa, and Jaafar M. H. Elmirghan

Wind Energy Dependent Rate Adaptation for Roadside Units
George A. Audu, Samya Bhattacharya, and Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani

A QoS-oriented Power and Resource Allocation Framework for Wireless Networks
Rodrigo A. Vaca Ramírez and Victor Ramos


Session B4: Network Switching and Balancing

A Communication Channels Dynamic Switching Model for Always-connected Availability of Service Oriented Mobile Applications
Diogo Azevedo, Hugo Paredes, and Benjamim Fonseca

Adaptive Broadcast Cancellation Query Mechanism for Unstructured Networks
Rui Lima, Carlos Baquero, and Hugo Miranda

An Autoregressive Estimator for Overhead Reduction in Substitution Networks
Karen Miranda, Nathalie Mitton, and Victor Ramos

Assessment of Personal Exposure to Wireless Communication Technologies in Different Microenvironments
Enver Hamiti, Mimoza Ibrani, Luan Ahma, Rreze Halili, Doruntinë Berisha, and Vlerar Shala


Session B5: Video and Group Communications

QoS KPI and QoE KQI Relationship for LTE VIdeo Streaming and VoLTE Services
Manuela Vaser and Sonia Forconi

Supporting Handover between LTE Video Broadcasting and Unicast Streaming
Luis Bellido, Carlos M. Lentisco, Miguel Aguayo, and Encarna Pastor

Optimising QoE Distribution for Video Applications through LTE-WiFi Interworking
Mirghiasaldin Seyedebrahimi and Xiao-Hong Peng

Privacy-Enhanced Group Communication for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks
Chibueze P. Anyigor Ogah, Haitham Cruickshank, Zhili Sun, Ganesh Chandrasekaran, Yue Cao, Philip Michael Asuquo, and Masoud Al Tawqi


Session B6: Case Studies

Healthcare WSN: Cluster Elections and Selective Forwarding Defense
Avijit Mathur, Thomas Newe, and Muzaffar Rao

Implicit Palm Rejection Using Real-time Hand Model Filters on Tablet Devices
Riyeth P. Tanyag and Rowel O. Atienza

User Experience Study on Folktales Mobile Application for Children's Education
Norshahila Ibrahim, Wan Fatimah, Wan Ahmad, and A'fza Shafie

Lessons from Addressing Challenges in an Agricultural Extension Scheme Using Mobile Apps
Nathan Amanquah and Mjumo Mzyece


Session B7:  Wireless Sensor Networks (4)   

A Study of Network Stability on Wireless Sensor Networks
Koichi Ishibashi and Katsunori Yamaoka

Swarming Medium Access Control Protocol for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
Tautvydas Mickus, Tim Clarke, and Paul Mitchell

Routing Fault-tolerance for Heterogeneous WSNs Based on an Immune Cooperative Multi-Particle-Swarm Algorithm
Yifan Hu, Xiaoming Wu, Fuqiang Wang, Yong Pang, Xiangzhi Liu, Jianqiang Zhang, and Yong Fu

Fast-OB-VAN: A Fast Opportunistic Broadcast Protocol for VANETs
Salvador Gonzalez and Victor Ramos


Session C1 – I-TASC 2015 (10th September 2015, 13:30 -15:10)

Using Value Added Services to Realise the Benefits of Enterprise Small Cell Deployments
David Lake (Birmingham City University/RDI, United Kingdom)

Efficient Control Algorithm for a Smart Solar Street Light
Abhilasha Jain (Manipal Institute of Technology, India); Chandrasekhar Nagarajan (Manipal Institute of Technology), Parikshit Student Satellite Team, India)

Internet of Things and M2M Communications as Enablers of Smart City Initiatives
Soumya Kanti Datta (EURECOM, France); Christian Bonnet (Institut Eurecom, France)

Cloud and Energy Management - Issues and Concerns
Peter Shuttleworth (Edge Hill University, United Kingdom)

Smart Detection of Vehicle in Illegal Parking Area by Fusing of Multi-features
Chunyang Mu and Xing Ma (Beifang University of Nationalities, P.R. China)




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