Programme OverviewWednesday 9th September
Thursday 10th September
7Friday 11th September
KEYNOTESKeynote 1 Keynote 2 Keynote 3
The Technical ProgrammeSession A1: The Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things: A Definition & Taxonomy Connect and Control Things: Integrating Lightweight IoT Framework into a Mobile Application Urban Scale Context Dissemination in the Internet of Things: Challenge Accepted Q-learning Based Random Access with Collision free RACH Interactions for Cellular M2M
Session A2: Mobile Web Applications Refining Mobile Web Design for Reducing Energy Consumption of MobileTerminals Spheres: A Web Services Framework for Smartphone Sensing as a Service Web Service Query Selection for a Professional Social Network Members A Secure Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Telecare Medicine Information System
Session A3: Cloud Applications and Security BBCast: Cloud-Based Interactive Public Bulletin Board Development of Management System for Generated Power Using Cloud Services: Application to Aero-bike Equipped with Dynamo Simulation-Based Study of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Prevention in the Cloud QoE Based P2P Scalable Video Streaming Over Mobile Adhoc Networks Session A4: Localisation Emergency Navigation in Confined Spaces Using Dynamic Grouping Improving Wi-Fi Based Localization Using External Constraints Scaled Unscented Kalman Filter for RSSI-Based Indoor Positioning and Tracking Geographical Route Selection Based On User Public Transportation and Service Preferences
Session A5: Security 1 : Authentication and Encryption Dynamic Location Information in Attribute-Based Encryption Schemes The Affect of Two Cryptographic Constructs on QoS and QoE for Unmanned Control Vehicles Event-driven Implicit Authentication for Mobile Access Control Feng Yao, Suleiman Y. Yerima, BooJoong Kang, and Sakir Sezer A Lightweight Authentication Scheme for E-health Applications in the Context of Internet of Things
Session A6: Applications and Frameworks Streaming at the Edge: Local Service Concepts Utilizing Mobile Edge Computing Device-Controlled Traffic Steering in Mobile Networks A Context-sensitive Privacy-aware Framework for Proactive Location-based Services
Session A7: Security 2 - DOS and Intrusion (4) Analysis of DoS Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks for Emergency Evacuation Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Sensor Networks Denial of Service Attacks Mitigation in the Cloud Security for Future Software Defined Mobile Networks
Session B1: Wireless Technologies Efficient Frame Aggregation with Frame Size Adaptation for Next Generation MU-MIMO WLANs LSEA: Light Weight Sector Eligibility Algorithm for k-Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff for Cognitive Radio in TV White Spaces Improving Data Extraction Efficiency of Cache Nodes in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Big Data Analysis
Session B2: Network Performance Evaluating SIP Signaling Performance for VoIP over LTE Based Mission-Critical Communication Systems Performance Evaluation of the Network Sustainability in Wireless Multi-hop Infrastructures with Biased User Mobility Performance Evaluation of Massive MIMO in Correlated Rician and Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Probabilistic Offload Scheme in Integrated Cellular WiFi Systems
Session B3: Networking Load and Power Load Adaptive Caching Points for a Content Distribution Network Energy-Efficient Traffic Scheduling in IP over WDM Networks Wind Energy Dependent Rate Adaptation for Roadside Units A QoS-oriented Power and Resource Allocation Framework for Wireless Networks
Session B4: Network Switching and Balancing A Communication Channels Dynamic Switching Model for Always-connected Availability of Service Oriented Mobile Applications Adaptive Broadcast Cancellation Query Mechanism for Unstructured Networks An Autoregressive Estimator for Overhead Reduction in Substitution Networks Assessment of Personal Exposure to Wireless Communication Technologies in Different Microenvironments
Session B5: Video and Group Communications QoS KPI and QoE KQI Relationship for LTE VIdeo Streaming and VoLTE Services Supporting Handover between LTE Video Broadcasting and Unicast Streaming Optimising QoE Distribution for Video Applications through LTE-WiFi Interworking Privacy-Enhanced Group Communication for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks
Session B6: Case Studies Healthcare WSN: Cluster Elections and Selective Forwarding Defense Implicit Palm Rejection Using Real-time Hand Model Filters on Tablet Devices User Experience Study on Folktales Mobile Application for Children's Education Lessons from Addressing Challenges in an Agricultural Extension Scheme Using Mobile Apps
Session B7: Wireless Sensor Networks (4) A Study of Network Stability on Wireless Sensor Networks Swarming Medium Access Control Protocol for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Fault-tolerance for Heterogeneous WSNs Based on an Immune Cooperative Multi-Particle-Swarm Algorithm Fast-OB-VAN: A Fast Opportunistic Broadcast Protocol for VANETs
Session C1 – I-TASC 2015 (10th September 2015, 13:30 -15:10)Using Value Added Services to Realise the Benefits of Enterprise Small Cell Deployments Efficient Control Algorithm for a Smart Solar Street Light
Internet of Things and M2M Communications as Enablers of Smart City Initiatives Cloud and Energy Management - Issues and Concerns Smart Detection of Vehicle in Illegal Parking Area by Fusing of Multi-features